Can you spend 5.4M Euros to buy Toy Car?

Can you spend 5.4M Euros to buy a Toy Car?

  • There is no dearth of mad or smart people in this world. People who use money a lot. If I ask you something, how much money can you spend on a toy car? 
  • Maybe you can say Ahh 100$, 200$ or 1000$.
  • But there is even much more than people's spent their money buying expensive toys.Here I will give you the fact about two toy cars that sold at an expensive price.
  • First I like to mention the Aston Martin DBS Toy car which the price sold is 100000$. Yes, you heard the real price of this toy car. However, there is a much more expensive toy car Lamborghini Aventador Gold which is made purely of gold , and the total price of this toy car is nearly 5.4 M Euros. 
  • If I have more money to use then I will go on family holidays rather than buy these expensive toys. 
  • What would you prefer if you have money like this?